7 Crazy No Fap Benefits and their Eternal Power

I have talked about porn a lot and how it is bad for you.

However, whenever I say that not masturbating (NoFap) makes you successful and is essential for your health and confidence as a man, people look at me weirdly.

So let’s get over it, what are the no fap benefits?

What is No fap?

The term comes from “not fapping” and fapping is a slang term for masturbation. The real origination of the term isn’t quite clear. But this started decades ago, so it’s nothing new.

The first explanation I heard is that it is bound to the sound of the foreskin going back and forth when you rub one out. *fapfapfap*

Anyway, No Fap right now is a whole community on Reddit, and pretty much a movement of guys indulging in not indulging.

They voluntarily don’t give in to masturbating to porn (or in general) like most men do each day. You would be surprised how common it is for men these days to masturbate almost daily.

Why No Fap? What’s the point?

The immediate question pretty much always comes up. Why would you not masturbate, even occasionally? What are the no fap benefits?

“It’s not that bad, is it? And it’s good for your prostate! The contractions help reduce prostate cancer!”

Well, all of this is bullshit.

For some simple reasons, but also for some deeper energy reasons with which it enslaves your mind. For now, let’s tackle the immediate. Prostate cancer.

There was a study from Harvard, which said, that men who ejaculate 21 times or more a month have a 31% reduced risk of prostate cancer. However, this study was flawed in the way, that it didn’t account for the lifestyle of the people. You can read it here yourself. It even opens with the premise that we don’t really know what causes prostate cancer.

This study doesn’t really say anything. They even mention themselves that it is unclear if it has an effect or not. Yet, everyone jumped on it and its apparent benefits.

However, a 2009 study found that ejaculating this much for men in their 20s and 30s actually increases the risk for prostate cancer. For men in their 50s and upwards, it does indeed reduce the risk. More about that here.

The wise man bases his knowledge in reality. Things that work, work for a reason.

There are so many factors which can possibly cause it, we just don’t know. Yet, because on some men it seemingly had a positive effect, everyone picked up on that study and put it as gospel that you just should shoot your load as much as possible to prevent that cancer.

All based on a study without a control group. It was merely an observation, which again, could’ve been caused by a ton of other things.

For example, diet, general lifestyle, drugs, smoking, alcohol.

Realize how society is trying to deceive you into being a weak loser.

However, even if it might be true, it only reduces the risk of it. By 31%, but the benefits of no fap are much higher than a potential reduction of 31% for something you might never get.

Let’s be real, you all just use that to justify and excuse your addiction. Be honest with yourself here.

Personally, I think it has the opposite effect. Frequent masturbation weakens your immune system, lowers your testosterone, and makes you irritating.

How No Fap Benefits Keep Your Life Force

We know that semen is made out of your best blood cells, but it goes further.

It is said, that the production of sperm takes up to a third of a man’s daily energy output, and is especially taxing on the glandular/immunological system.

Which makes sense, because, well, you literally create life out of nothing.

Or rather, out of yourself. The sperm already lives when you make it. Creating life obviously is pretty taxing, why wouldn’t it be?

And since it uses so much energy, this is also the reason why you are tired after sex. Because you’ve spent so much energy. Now imagine, spending this energy every day and shooting it in a napkin.

Your body is constantly forced to reproduce your energy levels for more sperm. No time to use that energy for other things. Like, your immune system, your physique, or your mental fortitude to be successful.

Now I know this sounds a lot like pseudo-science. And it is because there isn’t actual science on this.

Nofap saves you eight ounces of steak

Which is why we rely again on experience and real-life knowledge. I know what you’re thinking in your indoctrinated mind, “Where is the scientific evidence, bro?” Just because there isn’t scientific evidence on something (yet), doesn’t make it less true.

Or you want to argue that black holes don’t exist? Which we still don’t understand?

In a man’s life, there are multiple sources trying to suck out his energy. He needs to cultivate it as much as possible.

However, even if you ignore the pseudo-science, we know that one tablespoon full of ejaculate (which isn’t even your full load), contains the same amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids as four full-fledged meals.

In other words, eight ounces of steak, ten eggs, six oranges, and two lemons. A healthy man requires one to three weeks to replenish the nutrition which was used for that one tablespoon.

If you spill that seed, your body doesn’t have enough nutrition and building blocks left to provide your vital organs and biological systems. And you spill all this important stuff down the drain?

How does NoFap truly work? What are the No Fap Benefits?

“Fine, but how does nofap make you successful?”

Pretty simple. If we look at people who stopped masturbating and quit porn for good, we see them thrive. There is not a single person who said their life got worse when they stopped masturbating. Not one!

Show me one if you know them. I’ll wait.

The nofap timeline when you stop masturbating
If you manage the first 30 days, you will see such great benefits, you don’t need me to convince you anymore.

But how does nofap do that? You keep your life-force in, your body doesn’t need to produce sperm all day, it can use the energy for other stuff in your body as I mentioned above.

You are less irritated, generally, because you don’t do your basic survival instinct with pixels on a screen and shoot it down the toilet.

You become more confident since you know yourself. You aren’t a loser who can’t get laid and masturbates to porn. Because, well, it’s embarrassing, isn’t it? You don’t go out and freely tell people you rub one out every day, do you?

So there is something inherently negative about it.

As opposed to having actual sex which you are totally fine telling people about. There IS a difference. This is where men that have sex every day are Testosterone monsters and men that fap every day are weak losers. Hard to grasp, but it is reality.

Then how does no fap make you successful again? By not being a sore loser mentally, and by having a physical body that can make use of the energy we all possess.

This isn’t external validation. I am not judging you. Nobody is. YOU do it. You know very well you sort of feel depressed, hate yourself, feel weak.

That post-nut feeling of “what the hell did I do again?” It is ingrained in us.

Are the No Fap Benefits all made up?

As with any addiction, you will deny it at first, of course. I did it for the longest time. Trust me, I have been through that journey.

I masturbated to porn every day for years.

  • I just have a high sex-drive
  • It relaxes me
  • It makes me chill with women
  • A man has to get it out!

Familiar with these lines? ALL of them are wrong.

  • Nobody just has a high sex drive. Your sex-drive changes when you masturbate each day. As with everything, your body gets used to it (plus, due to numbing to dopamine, you need more and more)
  • It does not relax you, it actually makes you irritating. Maybe at the moment, you feel good. But later, you feel irritated because you know you’re a failure, and you radiate that
  • It does NOT make you chill with women. When you’re out with a lady on a date, and you’re really hellbent on laying her, that is your testosterone. Women know this, and they like it. If you don’t want to lay them, animalistically, you are a bad match for them, and they can smell it. Never hide what your intentions are with a woman.
  • Man does NOT have to get it out. Taoist master practiced “injaculation” which means never shooting it out, ever. You can learn this and keep it in your body. This is also called tantric sex. Look it up. These people didn’t die, their balls didn’t explode. You keep lying to yourself.
    If you want more info about semen retention, check out these 7 benefits of semen retention from the foreveralphablog.

And when I finally started nofap, I was a new man. And look where I am now, I am making money online, at home, not even wearing pants, and you’re reading my words. Isn’t that something to strive for?

Illustration of a man burning his chances instead of using them
Short-term pleasure is always bad in the long-run.

All you do is give in to your deeper, animalistic needs without anything in return. Quite the opposite. It makes you feel worse because you know very well how bad it is for you.

It literally makes you worse. I don’t even need to write these lines. I am just reinforcing what you already know deep down. You know how bad it is for you. You may just not know how deep the rabbit hole really goes.

Nofap scientific facts

Let’s hammer you with some facts we already know on top of the nutritious facts I mentioned above:

  • Fapping causes increased levels of Prolactin which decreases the production of testosterone. This means that you’ll end up with more estrogen in your body (i.e. you’ll have an increased likelihood of having man boobs). Less testosterone = less sex drive (libido), less bone mass, more fat distribution, less muscle mass and strength, and less production of red blood cells and sperm.
  • Anhedonia is also called the “silent depression” because most people don’t realize its a form of depression. You will feel emotionally numb. Now, this may not apply to everyone, but it is a known issue for some. It’s a very common withdrawal symptom of alcoholics, marijuana users, cocaine users, and excess natural reward consumptionDamaged/lost dopamine receptors are the cause of this.
  • Imbalance of Serotonin and Dopamine. Since you constantly heavily alter your Serotonin and Dopamine levels (due to orgasm being the heaviest dopamine release man knows), the equilibrium of it gets shattered. Serotonin is a big part of regulating your emotions. Which is why you feel irritated and emotional.
  • Reduced testosterone levels also ruin the possibility of building muscles, and generally looking more manly. After all, testosterone is the manliness hormone. If you have less of it, well, you less look like a man. We’ve seen men grow tougher jawlines after quitting masturbation and increasing their testosterone. It does affect your physical appearance! Nofap makes you jacked.
  • 90 days or 120 days is this magic number that gets thrown around. You can absolutely make huge progress if you manage to not fap for that amount of time. However, dopamine receptors usually take from 6 months to 1 year to fully repair. So you better start now!

The 7 NoFap Success Benefits (to start)

Here are some benefits I have noticed after quitting masturbation for about 30 days (benefits of quitting porn itself, here).

No Fap Benefits #1: Girls!

Pretty blonde woman looking interested at handsome man
Want women to look at you like her? Stop wanking and this will come naturally.

You will have a lot of women be interested in you. Which builds the pathway to actual sex. Enjoy the female attention. Girls work in different ways than we do.

They sense and smell insecurity from a mile away, and if you’re a wanker, they can sense it. They might not know it consciously, but they just aren’t attracted. Once your life-energy isn’t spilled and you radiate it, radiate manliness, creation, and power, they can’t help but be attracted.

Women were suddenly checking me out. My wife was hot for me out of nowhere. She’s now the one who wants sex all the time, and I have to reject her sometimes… ain’t that a nofap benefit? Tough problem to have, I know.

Women work with subtle cues and they notice things we men never realize. They notice your vibe on a level they might not even be aware of themselves. So if you’re insecure since you just shot in a napkin, they notice that.

Even if you try to hide it, subconsciously she won’t be attracted. That’s when even though the date went well, she still doesn’t want to fuck.

Because you’re weak.

No Fap Benefits #2: Confidence / Fearlessness

Strong fighter standing in the ring

Yes, you are way more confident if you know that…

a) you are able to withstand your deeper urges to rub one out every day
b) you don’t spill your seed alone in the dark in front of a computer.

You attack life full-force because you have the energy to do so. Rejection or failure won’t be an issue anymore, because you have so much to give. You are confident and comfortable with yourself. Nofap makes you confident.

A man’s confidence is built on the things he achieved and the things he had himself restrained from.

This will be noticeable with the things you do in life, but the heaviest change will be with your wife (if you have one). You will engage in fights. You will be more confident, demanding, not bending over every time.

I noticed this a lot. I wouldn’t let me push around, stood up for what I wanted. Testosterone!

No Fap Benefits #3: Calmness

Brutally handsome old man with beard cigar and whiskey
Contrary to popular belief, masturbating only relaxes you short-term. But makes it worse long-term.

A great man is calm and collected.

This attracts not only women but also other men you might want to work with. Or offer you jobs, etc.

If you fap all the time, chances are, you are fidgety, probably fidgeting with your leg right now. Tapping somewhere with your finger. This is a sign of too little life-energy.

You’re depleted. Your body relaxes when you have enough energy and have no urge to spill it any minute.

Calmness is also important in making decisions. When everyone is flipping their shit, they’re looking for a leader who is calm, collected, and takes charge.

This could be you.

No Fap Benefits #4: Reduced anger

Muscular man in chains breaking free
Being angry is sometimes helpful. But not out of resentment, which is what you are when you masturbate.

Nice Guys and wankers are generally quite angry.

They may hide it in resentment, but there is something cooking underneath. And you should never underestimate the subconscious. People pick that up.

The bliss of possessing your life-energy and knowing what you’re worth, the power that is within you, keeps you chill. Nothing really irritates you. Why should it? You still have all your power.

A wise man knows, anger is a powerful emotion. It can provide you with lots of energy, but be careful not to be consumed by it.

And if you fix your dopamine receptors and your sex-drive by stopping masturbation, you will get a lot more sex from your woman. You also stand up for your needs and what you want in bed, the result? Nofap reduces resentment.

Because you get what you want. Nothing to be angry about.

No Fap Benefits #5: Better memory

Brain nerves and neurons
Weeks or months after engaging in no fap, your brains neurons and receptors will be fixed, and your brain works on full capacity again.

This was a biggie. My memory got way better! The people around me always made fun of me for forgetting things.

And I thought it’s just what it is. No, it was due to masturbating!

Your mind is constantly occupied with sexual thoughts, porn, masturbating, when to release next time.

Which means there isn’t room to store other things. Get rid of these thoughts and see your memory improve.

It will take at least 90 days, but your memory can be reversed. It will get better over time once you actually have space up there. Add meditation to it, and you’re flying!

Yes, nofap makes you more intelligent.

No Fap Benefits #6: Social skills

Jacked man talking to two hot women at the gym
When you’re jacked, calm, collected, and strong, it’s easy to socialize with people.

Not only talking to women but generally talking to and with people.

Mostly due to lots of increased energy you radiate, but also because you don’t fear rejection.

You’re comfortable with yourself.

You just don’t care if you come off weird to this person. You need information, they might have it, you talk to them.

All these things help to talk and to interact with other people. This is helpful in way more facets than just getting laid.

I noticed myself engaging in way more conversations, and just asking strangers for things. You become a more open person.

Nofap makes you social.

No Fap Benefits #7: Energy levels

Strong muscular man boxing

Overall energy levels rise significantly. You have so much power.

You have to do something. All that energy that usually literally ends up in the toilet, needs to go somewhere. Put it into art, building a business, whatever. Create!

You really think the most creative and successful people on earth masturbate at home?

Just imagine Elon Musk rubbing one out at home. Or the late Steve Jobs. You really think they did that?

No. They had other things to do. They diverted their life-force and energy onto their mission and purpose. Which meant they actually had energy to do that in the first place.

This will be very, very noticeable once you quit.

No Fap Benefits and Semen Retention

Monk meditating on a mountain

I am currently reading this great book right here. You can actually download it for free there as PDF.

The Taoists took this whole approach a bit further. Masturbating isn’t even a question for them. They keep the semen in, even in sexual intercourse. And if they orgasm.

This kind of self-restraint takes years of practice to master. This was once secret knowledge only for Kings and the elite class. With books like these, that knowledge was finally released to the public.

Basically, they try to keep the power inherited in the semen in their body, so it moves up from the prostate to your spine to your brain. This is what western society calls blue balls. Or advanced nofap.

And men (me included) have always said, it hurts. But it doesn’t. What it really is, is an immense form of energy you just never knew you had.

A man who cannot restrain himself from sexual pleasures is easily manipulated.

It feels weird, and that urge to get the relief is so strong, you won’t manage it for years. Hell, I still can’t do it. But I feel different about blue balls now.

The body is totally capable of re-using the energy from the sperm. It doesn’t stay forever in the balls until you finally shoot. That is bullshit. You tend to have a bigger load when you shoot after days of restraining, yes.

But this is what should be your normal size. It has just been reduced because your body couldn’t produce so much since you were busy shooting it each day.

When you have blue balls, you just can’t sit still, right? This isn’t because you just need to make it fly. It is energy! Pure, raw energy.

Try doing physical exercise instead. The power you have, you wouldn’t believe it! This is life-juice in its purest form! Now imagine you could use this energy in other ways. How does no fap make you successful, you ask? Well, do I need to say more?


You have been deceived by society for decades that this is a totally normal behavior. Now you know the cold, brutal reality. You are a weak loser if you masturbate. Physically, as well as mentally.

You can tell that there are only benefits to no fap so far, right?

There is nothing bad to stopping it. If you still think there is, you are building comforting lies to not go through this transformation.

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