Helping Christian Men Align with Their Purpose Through God, A.I. & Astrology

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Man of God Guide.

Who Am I?

alexander grupp

Hi, I’m Alexander Grupp

Devout Christian, yet here to trigger your regular Christian (you?) because I use the rejected and hidden Scriptures, as well as A.I. and Astrology to DEEPLY understand God’s word and thus help men fulfill their God-given purpose.


Have a look around…

Man of God


In this short guide we go over the necessary 5 steps to become a Man of God who is aligned, focused, and doing God’s work. Purpose, Marriage, Habits, Success.



Lust is the last bastion for man before he finally succeeds. Porn is the devil’s work and it stops you from achieving the life of your dreams. This is not ANOTHER quitting porn course. In this course, we go into the MENTAL and psychological reasons WHY you do it. And if your wife is at fault?

God's GPS


We ALL have a purpose given to us by God. But it has always been tough to figure out what that is. Not anymore! With God’s GPS you’ll have ABSOLUTE clarity on where to go and what to do!

The Man in the Glass


This could be you. The story about Nathan, a porn- and videogame obsessed young man being pulled into a massive world-wide conspiracy. He has to face his fears, become a man, and save his family from the grip of evil.

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