Andrew Tate is the Devils Son – How Being In His Group Ruined My Life

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” — 2 Corinthians 11:14

Greetings, my friends. I’m Alexander, and today I’m going to share a deeply personal story with you. It’s something that’s not easy for me to talk about, but I feel compelled to open up. I’ve walked through a difficult and painful experience, and I want to share what I’ve learned along the way. It’s a journey that I never thought I’d find myself on, but one that ultimately led me back to a deeper understanding of love, faith, and the true purpose of relationships. This is a story about the dangers of following the teachings of Andrew Tate and the red pill philosophy.

I know many of you might be familiar with Andrew Tate, his bold persona, and the controversial lessons he preaches. I fell for it — hook, line, and sinker. And in doing so, my life spiraled downward in ways I never expected. It almost cost me my marriage, the most important relationship in my life. But through this journey, I’ve come to realize that the teachings of Andrew Tate and the red pill movement are not just misguided — they are dangerously deceptive.

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The Initial Attraction to the Red Pill and Andrew Tate

Back in 2021, I found myself caught up in the allure of the red pill philosophy. I joined Andrew Tate’s “War Room,” a community that promises to help men unlock their potential and live life on their own terms. The promise was tempting: success, power, control over women, and a life free of emotional vulnerability. As someone who had always struggled with understanding love and relationships, this philosophy seemed like a solution. I thought I had found a path to fulfillment, a way to dominate my relationships and my life. But in reality, I was walking into a trap — a trap set by the devil himself.

At first, everything seemed fine. I was learning about dominance, about using women as assets, and about becoming a high-value man. I was surrounded by men who appeared confident and successful, and I thought that if I just followed the teachings to the letter, I would finally become the man I was supposed to be. But I was wrong. The more I followed Tate’s advice, the worse my life became. My relationship with my wife deteriorated, and I found myself almost heading towards divorce.

It wasn’t just the superficial teachings that affected me. The deeper I delved into this world, the more I began to shut off my emotions, to suppress my feelings. I started seeing love as a weakness, as something that would only hold me back. But in doing so, I lost touch with the very essence of what it means to be human. I didn’t understand the depth of my love for my wife until I almost lost her.

The Deceptive Nature of Andrew Tate’s Teachings

Andrew Tate and the red pill philosophy prey on weak men — men who are lost and searching for purpose. Tate’s teachings advocate for lying, manipulation, and using women for personal gain. He claims that men should always be in control and that women will eventually leave you, so you should “spin plates” and never commit. But this isn’t the way God designed relationships. This is where the true danger lies.

I remember hearing Tate say that he could trick a lie detector because he was such a master of deception. He advocated for lying to women, using them, and discarding them when they no longer served a purpose. He built a following of men who, like me, were weak and unsure of themselves, searching for answers in all the wrong places.

But then, something changed. I came across a verse from the Bible that opened my eyes. In John 8:44, Jesus says about Satan, “He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” That verse hit me hard because it described Tate’s behavior perfectly. All of his teachings, his messages, and his actions were based on lies. And the devil is the master of lies.

The Spiritual Realization

In my heart, I knew something was wrong. Following Tate’s teachings had only made me more insecure, more manipulative, and more distant from the person I loved. It wasn’t until I returned to my faith and began seeking God’s guidance that I started to understand the true meaning of love, marriage, and leadership in relationships.

The Bible teaches us that leadership in relationships is not about domination or control. It’s about love, service, and mutual respect. In Ephesians 5:21–33, the Bible says that husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church, and wives should submit to their husbands as to the Lord. But this is not about a one-sided, domineering relationship. It’s about a partnership where both spouses submit to each other out of love and respect for one another and for God.

This was a tough pill for me to swallow, especially after spending so much time in the red pill and Tate’s world, where the focus was always on personal gain and superiority. I had to let go of everything I had learned about dominance and control, and relearn what it meant to love sacrificially. It was humbling, painful, and challenging — but ultimately, it was liberating.

The Christian Perspective on Relationships

Unlike the red pill philosophy, which views relationships as transactional — where you get what you can and leave when it no longer serves you — Christianity teaches that relationships, especially marriages, are meant to reflect a divine relationship. They are a partnership in service to God, designed to help both partners grow and sanctify each other. Relationships are not about taking; they are about giving.

The Bible teaches us to forgive, to love unconditionally, and to prioritize our spouse’s needs above our own. In 1 Corinthians 7:5, Paul writes, “Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again, so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.” This verse shows us that sex within marriage is not about using each other for selfish reasons — it’s about unity and partnership, designed to strengthen the bond between husband and wife.

This is where Tate’s teachings fall short. He encourages men to treat women as assets, to exploit them for their own gain, and to move on when they no longer serve a purpose. But this is not the way God designed marriage. It is meant to be a union of love, sacrifice, and mutual growth. When you truly love someone, you don’t manipulate or control them — you serve them and support them through the highs and lows of life.

The False Promise of Success and Status

One of the most dangerous aspects of Andrew Tate’s teachings is the emphasis on success and status. Tate teaches that men should define their worth by their wealth, power, and the number of women they can attract. This is materialism at its finest, and it’s all part of Satan’s plan to distract us from the true purpose of life.

In contrast, Christianity teaches us that our worth is not defined by what we have or what we can achieve. We are valuable because we are made in the image of God. Our worth is not measured by how much money we make or how many people we can control. It’s measured by our relationship with God and how we serve others in love.


Looking back, I can see now that I was walking down a dark path, led astray by the false promises of Andrew Tate and the red pill philosophy. But through the pain and heartbreak, I’ve come to realize the truth: love, relationships, and life are not about power, control, or selfish gain. They are about service, sacrifice, and loving one another as Christ loves us.

I share this story not to bash anyone, but to warn those of you who are following the same path I once did. If you are caught up in the red pill or Tate’s teachings, I urge you to reconsider. These teachings are lies that will only lead to pain, insecurity, and ultimately failure in your relationships.

The only true path to fulfillment is through Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life. Walk with Him, love with Him, and you will find the peace and purpose that you’ve been searching for.

God bless.

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