Buff Your Mind!

With 20-Year-Science-Backed PROPER Subliminal Messaging

"How Does This Fancy Tech Work, Alex?"

Humanity has found out that 95% of our daily decisions are driven by our subconscious mind. The conscious mind (you reading this) really only ever makes sense of it.

Rationalization. Which is a big thing these days.

The subconscious mind is fully in operation when you are in so-called “flow state.”

This usually occurs when time just flies by. During sex, playing immersive games, or deeply working on something.

So when you try to force yourself to do something, you are only using 5% of your power.

And humans have figured out that you can bypass the conscious filter and directly influence the subconscious mind. Thus, unlocking 95% of your power!

I have ran these subliminals for years, so I vouch for them. They are INSANELY powerful real life buffs!

Gaming Mastery X!

gaming mastery x product box

Yes, you can buff your mind to be better at games.

This is precisely what Gaming Mastery does.

Regardless of whether you’re trying to become a professional gamer, or you’re just playing to win, quickly and easily elevate your gaming skill to levels you’ve never experienced before with GAMING MASTERY X3.

This works for all kinds of games. Heightened sense of strategy, gameplay, and opponents. Intuitive understanding and actions, reflexes, and even joy while gaming!

Mind Aimbot Subliminal!

gaming mastery aimbot subliminal

While Gaming Mastery focuses on all sorts of games, this subliminal is SPECIFICALLY focused on Shooters.

It is the legal, real-life Aimbot for your mind.

It will upgrade everything for you to land your impeccable headshots and rise to the top of the leaderboard.

When I ran this, the first thing I noticed was that shroud actually grips his mouse differently than I used to do and it had a HUGE impact.


emperor subliminal product box

This one isn’t focused on games, but towards BUYING Cosmetics, indirectly 😉

With Emperor, you will build your own Empire, make money online and become a self-made man.

Through this, you’ll have more time for games, and spending stupid amounts on cosmetics for dead games. I know how it is 😉

Nice side-dish, it makes you more (sexually) attractive to women. If you care about such things.

This is a HUGE archetype subliminal with like 30 bullet points on what it does. Click below to see what it’s capable of!

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