Can Christians Use Astrology?

Good morning, friends! I’ve been discussing astrology a lot recently, including here on this channel in relation to the Bible. Many Christians are confused about astrology, with some claiming it’s divination or idolatry, and thus dangerous. However, astrology is mentioned quite a bit in the Bible, and I think there’s more to understand about it.

Watch the more detailed video version of this post, where I also showcase the tools, here:

The Historical Context of Astrology in the Bible

Historically, astrology was condemned in the Bible because people were literally following it over God. This issue was more prevalent thousands of years ago, when people did not have the same metaphorical understanding of scripture that we do today, especially with advancements like AI, which can help us uncover deeper meanings.

In ancient times, people might have been prone to rely on astrology for guidance, possibly instead of seeking God. Today, our consciousness has evolved, and we can now discern these energies better. Personally, I have used astrology for many years, and it has been remarkably accurate, both looking back into the past and forward into the future. Later, I’ll show you a tool that can help you check this for yourself.

Astrology in Esoteric Christianity

In esoteric Christianity, there is a belief in correspondences — the idea that elements of the physical world have spiritual counterparts. Thinkers like Emanuel Swedenborg proposed that celestial bodies like stars and planets reflect spiritual truths or events. For instance, light corresponds to wisdom and warmth to love, and this analogy can extend to the stars.

The zodiac signs are sometimes seen as reflecting a narrative of human-spiritual evolution or even the story of salvation. For example, Leo could symbolize the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and Virgo could represent the Virgin Mary. Each sign could be thought to encapsulate aspects of divine truth.

Interestingly, some even suggest that the twelve disciples of Jesus could represent the twelve zodiac signs. While astrology is not directly mentioned in the Bible, these symbolic connections could suggest a deeper, hidden meaning.

Biblical References to Astrology and Celestial Bodies

While the Bible does not explicitly endorse astrology, it does mention celestial bodies and constellations, acknowledging their significance. For instance, in Amos 5:8, it speaks of “He who made the Pleiades and Orion” as part of God’s creation. This passage, and others like it in Job 9:9, hint at the idea that celestial bodies might have symbolic or prophetic significance.

In Genesis 1:14–18, the Bible describes celestial bodies as being created to mark signs, seasons, days, and years, which can serve to mark time in natural phenomena. The key point here is that celestial bodies were created by God, and their movements are part of His divine plan.

Astrology as Hidden Knowledge

Some esoteric interpretations view astrology as part of hidden knowledge encoded in the Bible. Stories in the Bible, rather than merely serving as historical or moral lessons, could contain astrological allegories. The twelve disciples, for example, may be symbolic of the twelve zodiac signs, pointing to deeper spiritual truths through astrology.

Astrology might also be viewed as a tool to help people understand divine timing, spiritual laws, and God’s plan for salvation. This is particularly notable in the example of the Star of Bethlehem, which guided the Magi to the birth of Jesus.

The Dangers of Divination and Idolatry

The Bible warns against practices like divination and sorcery in passages such as Deuteronomy 18:10–14, where it condemns attempts to predict or influence the future outside of God’s will. While astrology can be used as a tool to understand current energies or personal traits, we must be careful not to treat it as a form of divination that supersedes God’s guidance.

It is crucial to remember that astrology can offer insights into how certain energies might manifest in our lives, but we still need to place our trust in God. The energies from the stars and planets do not control our destiny — how we respond to them is where our free will comes in.

Free Will and Astrology

Some early Christian thinkers, such as Saint Augustine, argued that astrology conflicts with the Christian understanding of free will. However, I don’t see this as a contradiction. Even if the stars influence certain energies, we still have the free will to act on those energies or choose a different path. God gave us free will, and this includes how we respond to astrological influences.

Differentiating Divine and Pagan Astrology

It’s important to distinguish between what could be called divine astrology and pagan astrology. Divine astrology is aligned with God’s plan, as evidenced by the Star of Bethlehem. Pagan astrology, on the other hand, might involve worshipping celestial bodies or using astrology for personal gain, which could veer into idolatry. This is why we need to be cautious and avoid worshipping the stars over God.

Understanding Astrology as a Christian

As a Christian, I believe astrology can be a tool for self-understanding, helping to discern energies and trends in life. For instance, we know that celestial bodies like the moon have a real, physical impact on Earth — its gravitational pull affects water and tides, and it influences emotions and even the menstrual cycles of women. While correlation does not equal causation, these patterns suggest there may be deeper connections between celestial movements and our lives.

However, astrology is a tool, not a substitute for faith in God. When using astrology, we should still turn to God in prayer, asking for guidance and clarity. We should also be aware of the potential dangers of relying too heavily on astrology to make life decisions.

Using Astrology Responsibly

If you’re interested in exploring astrology, you can start by looking at your natal chart, which is based on your birth date, time, and location. This chart shows the positions of all the planets at the time of your birth and can provide insights into your strengths, challenges, and spiritual path. One website I recommend is

Another tool to explore is the transit chart, which shows the current positions of the planets and how they interact with your natal chart. These current energies can give you insight into what might be happening in your life right now and how you might navigate through them. Just remember: this should be used as a tool for self-reflection, not as a way to predict the future or avoid God’s will.

In This video I explain in detail and showcase how to use this tool:

The Role of Free Will and Prayer

Even when using astrology to understand energies, it’s important to maintain focus on God. While astrology may reveal patterns or trends, it does not dictate your actions or future. It’s still up to you to choose how to act. And remember, prayer is essential. If you’re feeling negative influences, ask God to help you navigate them or even alleviate them.

Astrology is a tool, but God is the one who holds ultimate authority over your life. You can use astrology to understand the energies around you, but never let it replace your relationship with God. Always pray for guidance and discernment, and seek His will in all things.


Astrology, when understood and used properly, can be a powerful tool for self-understanding and spiritual growth. It can offer insights into the energies that shape our lives, but it should never be a substitute for seeking God’s guidance. Always approach astrology with discernment and never let it take precedence over God. Trust in His plan for you, and use astrology as a way to deepen your understanding of that plan.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Do you think astrology can be compatible with Christianity, or do you see it as heretical? I’d love to hear your perspective. Until then, God bless!

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