I Asked AI if We Have FREE WILL Or If God Controls Everything

Good morning, friends! Today, I want to explore a big question that many people ask themselves: Do we really have free will, especially when we choose to follow God? It’s a question that touches on the concepts of free will, determinism, and the role of divine influence in our lives.

You might have heard it said that God has a plan for each of us, that our lives are already mapped out. Many believe this, and it’s a theme that comes up often in scripture and spiritual discussions. This idea of a pre-determined plan might make us wonder — do we actually have free will, or are we simply following a script set by God?

I’ve certainly asked myself this question many times, especially after watching a video on astrology, where it’s claimed that astrological signs and their influences can predict the energies that will shape our lives. I’ve seen it in my own life — how certain events seemed to be guided by unseen forces. But this leads to an important question: Are all our choices pre-determined, or do we have true freedom to choose our own path?

To dive into this, I think it’s important to look at what scripture says about free will. The Bible offers plenty of examples that seem to suggest we do indeed have choices to make.

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Free Will in the Bible: A Biblical Perspective

Let’s start with a story from Genesis 2:16–17. God tells Adam that he is free to eat from any tree in the garden, but not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This implies that Adam had a choice — he could choose to obey or disobey God. This idea of free will is central to the narrative, especially when we consider the story of Adam and Eve.

Many people misinterpret the story of Adam and Eve, focusing on Eve’s temptation by Satan to eat the apple. But the key point here is that it was still Eve’s decision to act. She had free will, just as we do. Now, we might argue that Eve didn’t know how to deal with the temptation, but that doesn’t take away her ability to choose. Similarly, in my own life, I’ve made choices — like the time I fell for misguided teachings — that led to painful consequences. Yet, even in those moments, it was still my choice.

God could have intervened, but He didn’t because He gives us the freedom to choose — even when we make mistakes. God’s plan doesn’t override our free will. Instead, it works with our choices, guiding us and allowing us to learn lessons along the way.

The Role of Free Will in God’s Plan

In Deuteronomy 30:19, God says, “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life.” This verse explicitly highlights the power of choice. We are free to choose our path — life or death, blessing or curse.

In Galatians 5:13, Paul reminds us that, “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free, but do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” This reinforces the idea that freedom is tied to our decisions. We have the choice to make right decisions that align with God’s will, or to use our freedom in ways that go against it.

God doesn’t force us to follow Him. Even when we choose to indulge in sinful behaviors, it’s our decision. And though God could intervene and stop us, He doesn’t. Why? Because free will is the highest doctrine in God’s kingdom. God is patient, giving us the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. He wants us to choose Him — not out of obligation, but out of love and conviction.

The Choice to Follow God

God’s offer of free will is beautifully illustrated in Michelangelo’s famous painting of the Creation of Adam. In the painting, God reaches out to Adam, but it’s Adam who must stretch out his finger to touch God. This powerful image encapsulates the essence of free will: God is always there, waiting for us to choose Him.

We can choose to walk with God, or we can choose to walk away. The choice is ours, and God respects that choice. He doesn’t force us to follow Him, but He does give us the opportunity to connect with Him, to accept His grace and to live a life aligned with His will.

As we follow God, we begin to notice the beautiful synchronicities in life — the “coincidences” that seem to guide us toward His purpose. This isn’t fate or destiny in the sense that everything is already mapped out, but rather, it’s God’s plan unfolding as we make our choices. And even though we still have the power to choose, when we follow God, His plan for us becomes clearer.

So, Do We Have Free Will?

The answer is a resounding yes. We do have free will. God gives us the freedom to choose our path, but He also provides guidance through His Word and through our relationship with Him. We are free to make our own decisions — whether to follow Him or not. But as we choose to walk with God, we begin to see His hand at work in our lives, helping us learn, grow, and fulfill the purpose He has for us.

Even though many things may be pre-planned in God’s grand design, it’s still our choice how we live each day, and whether we choose to follow Him or not. Free will is the greatest gift God has given us, and it’s up to each of us to decide how we use it.

So, friends, today I encourage you to make the choice to follow God, knowing that He is always there, waiting for you to reach out. The journey is yours to walk, and with God’s help, it will be a journey of love, grace, and purpose.

May we use our free will to serve Him, to love one another, and to walk in the path He has set before us.

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