MEN! Your Time has Come. Expect MORE From Your Women! For Their Own Good…

Good morning, friends. It’s Alexander again, and today we need to talk about a harsh truth: we have been lying to women for years.

Well, not necessarily us men, but society as a whole — especially feminism. I’ve been vocal about my criticisms of feminism because I’ve come to realize just how damaging it is, not just for men, but especially for women.

Recently, I saw a video of a woman — a regular, standard blonde Western woman. Nothing extraordinary, not supermodel hot, but also not unattractive. Just your average girl next door. She decided to try out Hinge, a dating app similar to Tinder. She uploaded a simple profile picture, nothing provocative, nothing extravagant. Three days later, she had over a thousand messages from men.

Watch the full video here:

Now, imagine what that does to a person’s mind. Imagine if you, as a man, just existed and a thousand women were immediately ready to date you, without you even trying. That kind of attention creates an illusion of infinite abundance, making someone believe they can have whatever they want, whenever they want, without effort or self-improvement. But real life doesn’t work that way.

The Illusion of Endless Options

This entitlement breeds narcissism. When you believe there are unlimited choices available, why would you invest in a single person? This mindset destroys relationships. Christian marriages, where couples pray together daily and place God at the center, have a divorce rate of about 1%. Meanwhile, modern feminist-influenced “equality” marriages have a divorce rate of around 60%.

The reason is simple: Christ and God teach us to submit to and serve one another in marriage. The marriage itself is placed above the individuals. When you focus on giving rather than taking, leaving isn’t even an option. But when you enter marriage with a self-centered mindset — thinking about what you can get rather than what you can give — it’s doomed from the start. And when you believe there’s always another option waiting, why would you ever commit to making things work?

The “Orbital” Phenomenon

This brings me to a term I don’t particularly like but find useful: the “orbiter” effect. Essentially, many women always have men in the background — waiting, orbiting, ready to take her the moment her current relationship ends. That’s why many women are never truly single; they move from one man to another seamlessly.

This isn’t to say all women do this, but it’s common enough to be a real problem. It has led to a generation of women who believe they are flawless simply for existing, that they don’t need to improve, compromise, or work on their relationships. But no one — not men, not women — is “enough” just by existing. Marriage requires work, self-improvement, and a willingness to put your partner first.

The Reality of “Used-Up” Women

Men are waking up to this reality. More and more, they are rejecting women who have spent years chasing this illusion of infinite options. A woman who has lived believing she never has to commit, compromise, or serve in a relationship finds herself struggling to secure a stable, loving marriage later on.

And it’s not their fault entirely. They were sold a lie — the lie that being “independent” means being a slave to a corporation instead of a wife and mother at home. That staying home and supporting a husband is “oppression,” even though it’s simply a loving choice. Feminism has convinced women that as soon as they do something for a man, they are oppressed. But serving the people you love isn’t slavery — it’s fulfillment.

Feminism’s Hypocrisy

Feminism claims to be about “choice,” but only as long as you make the “right” choice. If a woman chooses to be a stay-at-home wife or mother, feminists attack her. Where’s the freedom in that? The reality is feminism isn’t about women’s rights — it’s about attacking traditional values and demonizing men. It’s about tearing down what works in favor of what feels good in the moment.

And men are responding. More and more men are looking for traditional wives — women who value commitment, loyalty, and family over the endless carousel of dating apps.

The Solution: Stop Lying to Women

So, what can we do? The answer is simple: men, stop lying to women.

For years, we’ve been afraid to say what we truly want because we’ve been conditioned to think it’s “toxic.” But honesty is not toxic. If you want a wife who stays home and prioritizes family, say it. If you want a woman who respects traditional roles, be clear about it. There will be disagreements, sure. But a good woman — one who hasn’t been completely poisoned by feminism — will appreciate that honesty.

Most women actually want this too, but they feel trapped by societal expectations. They’ve been told that being a wife and mother isn’t enough. That serving their husband is degrading. That men who desire this are oppressors. But when you remove the feminist programming, many women actually enjoy these roles. The problem isn’t the desire — it’s the deception surrounding it.

Be Honest About What You Want

Marriage isn’t about getting everything you want; it’s about giving. Both men and women need to sacrifice for each other. But men have been conditioned to sacrifice everything while expecting nothing in return. That ends now.

If a relationship ends because your expectations don’t align, so be it. It’s better to part ways than to live a lie for decades, miserable and unfulfilled.

It’s time to stop lying to women about their so-called “freedom.” We all know feminism has failed. Women know it too, deep down. The illusion is breaking. The question is — will you stand up and tell the truth?

Final Thoughts

If you’ve made it this far, you probably already see what’s happening. Now it’s time to act. Be honest about your values. Be honest about what you want in a wife. Stop fearing labels like “toxic” or “misogynist” just for expecting commitment and respect. The sooner we stop lying, the sooner we can start rebuilding what feminism has tried to destroy.

Until next time, stay strong and speak the truth.

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