The Bible Says You Should Have MORE Sex In Your Marriage!

Welcome back to the AI of God! Today, we dive into a topic that many Christians grapple with: Is sex sinful according to the Bible? This question often arises when people commit to following Jesus and seek to align their lives with Biblical teachings. Some may feel conflicted, especially about desires or sexual practices, fearing they might stray from God’s path. Let’s unpack what the Bible actually says about this.

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Sex Within Marriage: A Sacred Gift

First and foremost, sex is not only not sinful within marriage but is celebrated and encouraged. The Bible emphasizes this point repeatedly. For example, The Song of Solomon is a poetic and explicit celebration of love and sexual intimacy between a husband and wife. It’s a vivid reminder that marital intimacy is a divine gift.

In the New Testament, Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 7 that couples should not deprive each other of sexual relations, except by mutual consent for spiritual reasons, like prayer. The underlying principle? Sex within marriage strengthens the bond between spouses and helps avoid temptation outside the relationship.

This passage highlights the importance of mutuality and generosity in the sexual relationship. The Bible encourages spouses to develop a mindset of wanting to please each other out of love and selflessness. Imagine a “competition” of giving, where each partner seeks to fulfill the other’s needs — this is the Biblical ideal for marital intimacy.

Sex and Consent: Key Boundaries

While sex within marriage is celebrated, it operates under important boundaries. Consent is paramount. The Bible’s teachings on mutual submission (e.g., 1 Corinthians 7:4) emphasize that a husband and wife should respect and honor each other’s bodies. Submission here isn’t about dominance or obligation — it’s about love, trust, and mutual desire.

Crucially, the idea isn’t to demand or force intimacy but to foster a relationship where both partners naturally desire to give themselves to one another. If there’s something one partner isn’t comfortable with, forcing the issue — even in thought — goes against the spirit of love and respect.

When Does Sex Become Sinful?

Sex becomes sinful when it strays outside the boundaries God intended. Here are some examples:

  1. Outside of Marriage
    Any sexual activity outside of the marital relationship — including premarital sex, adultery, and pornography — is considered sinful. Jesus himself warns in Matthew 5:28 that even lustful thoughts are equivalent to adultery in one’s heart.
  2. Driven by Lust, Not Love
    Lust is a distortion of love. It’s selfish, while love is selfless. Even within marriage, if your thoughts about your spouse are objectifying or ignore their feelings, it moves away from God’s ideal.
  3. Lacking Mutual Consent
    Mutual consent is foundational. Whether it’s trying new things in the bedroom or taking a break from intimacy for spiritual reasons, both partners must agree. Without consent, even thoughts can stray into sinful territory.

Debunking Myths About Christian Sexuality

Some Christians believe that sex should only be for procreation. However, the Bible clearly promotes intimacy and bonding as central purposes of sex, in addition to procreation. Enjoying intimacy with your spouse is not only allowed but celebrated! This includes all forms of consensual sexual expression that deepen your connection — whether it’s exploring new positions, or even playful and adventurous activities, as long as they honor and respect both partners.

A World Saturated in Sexual Sin

In today’s world, the misuse of sexuality is rampant. From pornography to casual hookups, society often distorts what God designed as beautiful. This can be discouraging, but Christians should focus on building healthy, God-honoring relationships within marriage. When sex is approached with love, consent, and the desire to serve your partner, it becomes a profound and sacred expression of unity.

Final Thoughts

So, is sex sinful? No — when it’s done right. Sex, as designed by God, is a gift for married couples to enjoy and strengthen their bond. The key is to approach it from a place of love, respect, and selflessness. Within these boundaries, everything — from tender intimacy to adventurous exploration — can be part of a thriving, God-honoring marriage.

If you found this helpful or have thoughts to share, let me know in the comments. Stay strong in your faith and your relationships, and remember: God wants you to experience joy, love, and unity in your marriage. God bless!

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