The Modern Day Rite of Passage For Men

Good morning friends, it’s Alexander again, and today we have an interesting topic, very near and dear to my heart, dear, dear, dear to my heart.

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The Modern Rite of Passage: Overcoming Lust

Quitting porn, or lust, I should say actually, is the rite of passage for me in these days. Now let me, let me — alright, don’t jump to conclusions — let’s just actually read what I found. This post, actually, it wasn’t my idea, but it helped me understand it better.

Porn: The Rite of Passage for the Modern Young Man

He says, on this anonymous post, “Quitting porn is the rite of passage for the modern young man.” Ironically, it’s probably one of the hardest rites of passage of any society ever. Now, that’s debatable, but I like it. There are mostly physical or mental rites of passage — hunting solo for the first time, fighting a battle, making an artisan piece, passing hard exams. But the passage we’re talking about is spiritual: defeating the beast within ourselves.

To endure and turn away from the most temptation ever offered — endless amounts of freely available HD hardcore pornography. By learning to defeat this deepest darkness, we will climb higher than any of our forefathers.

Is Quitting Porn the Hardest Challenge?

Now, I know that sounds a little bit like, “Come on, just not cooming is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do? Your grandparents had to go through two world wars, that’s just not it, right?” But there is something to it.

The Lack of Real Challenges for Men Today

Men have been asking, “What is the rite of passage men have today?” In the past, you were cast out into the wilderness to become strong. But today, we don’t really have anything like that. And this is also a problem for men — if you think about it. Men today don’t have to go through actual hardships growing up. You can grow up into your 30s without real struggles, and that, of course, makes men weak.

Much like a tree has to withstand the winds when it grows, it becomes stronger because of the hardship. You have to go through struggles to become strong. And you need that strength to lead in life, especially once you have a wife and kids.

The Spiritual Strength in Overcoming Lust

This is a good rite of passage. First of all, because it doesn’t have to be given to you by someone. It’s self-evident, even though as a father, you should probably tell your son to go through this. And also because there is no direct feedback. In a battle, you get immediate feedback. But with porn, there’s no immediate feedback. Even if you stop it, you don’t get that instant feedback. This is why delayed gratification is tough for many to work with.

Delayed Gratification and Building Mental Strength

This is similar to the gym. The first time you go, your muscles are sore and you don’t see any progress for months. But over time, you see growth. The same goes for overcoming porn. The feedback isn’t immediate. It might take half a year or a year until you see progress, and that’s why it’s so tough. It’s not just about the availability of porn, but the fact that lust is everywhere — on the streets, in ads, and in movies.

Satan’s Influence in the World

Lust is everywhere, and that’s because Satan rules over this world. This is his kingdom, and lust is one of his greatest tools. But overcoming it? That’s spiritual strength.

The Spiritual Victory Over Lust

If you manage to withstand lust — whether it’s porn or lustful thoughts — you’re spiritually higher than even angels. You become a king in the truest sense, a man of God. If you’re still indulging in lust, you’re not walking with God. You’re spiritually lower than even some angels. It’s a challenge, but it’s worth it.

Self-Esteem and Connection with Women

Why go through this rite of passage? One reason is self-esteem. You know it’s bad when you’re doing it in secret. Even though society tries to normalize it, you instinctively know that it’s wrong. When you stop, you build self-esteem because you’re strong enough to resist a powerful drive that’s everywhere.

Improved Relationships and Physical Strength

When you stop, your relationships with women improve. When you’re driven by lust, your energy is off. You can’t truly connect with a woman if you’re still indulging in porn. Your body language and subconscious energy will be affected. This can also improve your physical strength. Studies show that you’re physically stronger if you don’t ejaculate all the time. Your body holds onto nutrients that it needs to rebuild.

How to Stop: Cold Turkey vs. Gradual Reduction

To stop, you have two options: cold turkey or slowly reducing. Cold turkey is the best method, but the withdrawal symptoms can be tough. The energy gets stuck in your body, and most men don’t know how to redirect it.

A more gradual approach can be to reduce the intensity of your habits. Start by limiting yourself to images and then gradually delete them over time. Eventually, you’ll stop altogether. But be careful, as your mind can quickly override your intentions.

Subliminal Messaging for Overcoming Porn Addiction

A method that has helped many is subliminal messaging. Our subconscious mind drives 95% of our daily decisions. Subliminal messaging helps reprogram those habits and break free from addiction. There are Christian-based subliminal programs that can help. These programs are designed to guide you toward positive change, and they’ve been effective for many.

Redirecting Energy to Build a Purpose

Instead of wasting energy on porn, redirect it to building something meaningful in your life. The energy that would go into porn can be used to pursue your purpose and passions. This creates a more fulfilling life, and the benefits will eventually show.

The Spiritual Battle Against Lust

Quitting porn is tough. It’s a spiritual war. You’re fighting against society, your own desires, and the constant temptations around you. But if you can master this, you’ll become stronger — spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Conclusion: The True Strength of Overcoming Lust

So, do you think it’s just about not cooming? Or do you see the deeper spiritual battle here? Overcoming lust is not just a physical challenge — it’s a rite of passage that can build you into a true, spiritually strong man.

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