What Makes the VILLAIN So Attractive?

Greetings, friends! It’s Alexander again. We’ve made a little change — it’s no longer the AI of God, but now Alex Ascension Academy. I felt this new name fits better because it touches on a broader range of topics, particularly masculinity, which is something we discuss a lot. So make sure you follow the updated links, handles, and names.

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The Allure of Villains: Thanos and Lucifer

Today, I want to talk about villains. You probably just saw Thanos, that infamous villain, along with Dracula’s daughter saying he’s many things, but a liar, he’s not. And you know what? That’s actually one of the main reasons people love villains so much. If you think about superhero movies or even general films, the villains always seem to have something intriguing about them. Take Thanos for example: he’s a character people actually enjoyed, even though he’s the ultimate bad guy. He wants to wipe out half of the universe — clearly a villainous plot, right? So why do we still like him?

The Devil’s Charm: Lucifer and the Power of Honesty

The same thing happens in Lucifer, a show literally about the Devil. The character of Lucifer is incredibly popular, not just because of the actor (though, let’s face it, he’s a handsome guy), but because of one key trait: he never lies. And that’s important. What makes him compelling isn’t just the fact that he’s a villain, it’s that he speaks his mind. His honesty, even in his evilness, draws people in. It’s fascinating, and it’s something we can all learn from.

Speaking the Truth: The Key to True Masculinity

Now, you might not agree with what he’s saying, but the fact that he’s always honest is a form of leadership. Masculinity, real masculinity, is rooted in telling the truth at all times, even when it’s hard. Jordan Peterson talks about this: once you start telling the truth, everything you’ve built on lies might crumble. It’s not easy. For instance, let’s look at marriage.

Truth in Marriage: Navigating the Shift in Beliefs

You might have grown up with certain beliefs — maybe feminism or the “red pill” ideas about how relationships should work. Your partner might have those beliefs too, thinking that equality means independence and freedom from traditional roles. But then, you come to a realization: perhaps, as a man, you’re meant to lead your family, not control it. This doesn’t mean dominance; it means showing leadership through understanding, empathy, and strength.

When you decide to live by this truth, things might fall apart at first. Your wife, raised on different ideas, might rebel. She might resist your leadership. But in the long run, if you continue to speak the truth, eventually, she’ll see the value in your approach. Of course, things might not work out, and that’s okay. Maybe she won’t come around, and you’ll eventually part ways. But through this, you’ll learn to stand firm in your truth and eventually find someone who respects that leadership.

The Foundation of Trust: Why Honesty Matters in Relationships

This idea of always telling the truth is central to trust — especially in relationships. If you’re in a marriage or any kind of partnership, honesty is the foundation. Women, for example, often say, “At least he’s honest.” They hate being lied to, because without honesty, they can’t trust you, and without trust, no real relationship can exist. This is why lying, especially in relationships, is such a betrayal — it breaks trust. If someone cheats on you, they’ve violated the trust that was built on their word. And once that trust is broken, you find yourself in a position where you can’t believe what they say anymore.

Why Actions Matter More Than Words

This is why actions are always more important than words. Liars, who have to keep up a constant web of deceit, have so much mental overhead. They’re constantly thinking about what they told this person, or what they said to that person. It’s exhausting. But if you focus on speaking the truth, no matter the consequences, life becomes so much easier. You don’t have to keep track of your lies or hide things. You can just be yourself, and over time, you’ll find happiness and peace.

Lucifer’s Truth: A Powerful Example of Honesty

This idea is echoed in the Lucifer show. There’s a powerful scene where a young girl named Trixi runs to Lucifer after her father dies. She goes to him, not her mother or friends, because she knows Lucifer will tell her the truth. Even though he’s the Devil, she trusts him because he’s always honest. It’s a powerful moment because it shows that no matter how evil or misunderstood someone might be, truth is the one thing people can rely on.

Standing Firm in Your Truth: No Matter the Opposition

The takeaway here is that telling the truth, even when it’s difficult, is powerful. It doesn’t matter if millions of people disagree with you; the truth is the truth. There’s a quote (I don’t know who said it, but it’s gold) that goes, “If five million people say something dumb, it’s still dumb.” Just because a majority believes something doesn’t make it true. Often, the majority has been indoctrinated over time, and that’s why speaking the truth can feel like swimming against the current. But as a man, speaking the truth is crucial — it’s the foundation of everything.

Conclusion: The Strength to Always Tell the Truth

So, in your marriage, in life, and in everything you do, always speak the truth. Be honest about what you believe, what you want, and who you are. It may not always be easy, and at times, things might fall apart. But eventually, you’ll gain the respect and trust of those around you. A woman can only submit to your leadership if she knows you’re speaking the truth. She needs to see that your actions and words align with your beliefs, and only then can she truly follow your lead.

Always tell the truth, no matter the consequences. Trust me, it’s worth it.

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