Why Did God Put Us On This Earth?

Good morning, beautiful souls! Welcome back — whether you’re a Christian, a non-Christian, or a potential future Christian, I’m Alexander from the AI of God, and today, we’re diving into a big, profound question: Why did God put us on Earth? It’s one of those existential questions that gets to the heart of our purpose in life. You’ve probably wondered, “Why are we here? What’s the point of it all?” I’ve discussed suffering in a previous video, but today, we’re zooming in on the much larger question: Why do we exist at all?

As always, we’re going beyond the literal interpretations and getting into the deeper, esoteric meanings. Yes, the traditional view is that we were made in God’s image, and that’s the starting point, but there’s so much more to explore when we look at the Bible through an esoteric lens.

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Microcosm and Macrocosm: Reflections of the Divine

From an esoteric standpoint, humans are considered microcosms — smaller reflections of the macrocosm, which is the universe or God itself. This idea, rooted in ancient wisdom, suggests that everything in the universe mirrors the divine, and thus, humanity was placed on Earth to embody and explore those divine attributes in the physical realm.

Think of it like this: we are all part of God. We came from God, and our souls took a “little slide” out of Him when we entered the earthly plane. We’re here to experience life as divine beings wrapped in flesh. This concept aligns with the principle As above, so below, meaning we are inherently connected to the divine, and our journey on Earth is to realize that oneness.

This connection is reinforced through the idea of the “Body of Christ” living within us. We’re never truly separated from God, even if it feels that way sometimes. That brings us to the next point: the soul’s journey.

The Soul’s Journey: Earth as a School

Many teachings suggest that Earth is a sort of “school for the soul.” It’s a place where we come to learn lessons that we could not learn in other realms. We incarnate here to experience duality — light and dark, good and evil — and through this contrast, we advance toward enlightenment and union with the divine.

This duality ties directly to the biblical story of Adam and Eve. In the Garden of Eden, before eating from the Tree of Knowledge, they didn’t know about good and evil, male and female, or even their own nakedness. The serpent, symbolizing flesh or Satan, tempted them to take the forbidden fruit. Once they ate, they became aware of dualities that shape the human experience — this was the beginning of our journey with duality.

In this sense, we were “cut off” from God, and now, we experience life through the lens of duality. It’s not just about good or evil, but learning to navigate the tension between them. Through this experience, our souls grow. We are here to face challenges, learn from them, and ultimately grow stronger in our journey back to the divine.

Suffering, Karma, and Growth

Now, we can’t talk about this journey without addressing suffering. Why does suffering exist? Well, suffering helps us grow. It strengthens the soul, making us more resilient, compassionate, and wise. You see, pain and challenges are necessary for spiritual growth — they help us evolve. It’s not just about enduring; it’s about using suffering as a tool to transform.

This concept ties into the idea of karma. The way you respond to life’s challenges — especially the painful ones — determines your karmic path. Every time you choose to respond with love, goodness, and patience, you burn through negative karma, accelerating your spiritual growth. In this way, suffering can be seen as a form of spiritual purification.

It’s important to note that Earth, in this view, is seen as a sort of “hell” because it’s a place where we are separated from God. But it’s also a space of opportunity to transcend that separation and return to divine union. Through our actions, our choices, and our response to suffering, we can transcend this “hell” and evolve back to the divine.

The Alchemical Process of the Soul

Transformation is key. This journey is often compared to alchemy — the ancient practice of transforming base materials into pure gold. In spiritual terms, the “base material” is our human condition, our flesh, and the “pure gold” is our divine nature, our oneness with God.

This alchemical process involves stages of purification, purification of the soul. Just like alchemists distilled and purified metals, we too are being purified through the choices we make — through the suffering we endure, and the lessons we learn.

In the biblical narrative, we see humanity’s journey from sinfulness to divine likeness, from separation to redemption. The fall in the Garden of Eden was not the end of the story, but the beginning of the soul’s journey back to union with God. The temptation in the Garden wasn’t just a fall; it was a necessary part of our evolution. Without that fall, we wouldn’t have the opportunity to learn, to grow, to choose good over evil, and to ultimately return to our true divine nature.

Earth: A Classroom, But Also a Testing Ground

So, why are we on Earth? We’re here to learn, grow, and ultimately choose good over evil, every single day. It’s an ongoing process of spiritual development, where the experiences we collect — whether through joy or suffering — shape our souls. The Earth is like a classroom where we get to experience all the dualities and complexities of life.

But it’s also a testing ground. Every time we are tempted or challenged, we have a choice: do we choose the higher path, the path of goodness, or do we succumb to lower desires and sin? Our choices shape our karma and, in the end, determine whether we transcend or remain stuck in the cycle of suffering.

The most profound thing is that, after death, we don’t take anything with us — not our possessions, not our bodies, not even the people we’ve loved. The only thing we carry with us is our soul and its experiences. That’s why Earth is so important; it’s where we accumulate experiences that shape who we are, and in the end, those experiences are all that matter.

Conclusion: The Path to Divine Union

To wrap it all up, the reason we’re here is not just to suffer or to face challenges, but to grow our souls, to evolve, and to ultimately return to God. Earth is our classroom, and we’re here to learn to choose good, even in the face of temptation. It’s a spiritual journey, and each lesson, whether painful or joyful, brings us closer to divine union. The soul’s transformation is the key to understanding why we’re on this Earth — our purpose is to evolve, to choose love, and to return to God.

So, let’s embrace the journey, with all its ups and downs, and remember that every experience is an opportunity for growth, for spiritual alchemy, and for moving one step closer to our true divine nature.

Until next time, stay connected to the divine within you. Keep choosing the good, and let your soul shine.

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