5 Easy Ways To Increase Masculine Polarity In 2022

Live a traditional lifestyle if you want to have a traditional love-life.

I get asked a lot about how to be more masculine. And if you think about it, this question is kind of weird. Men are literally asking other men how to be more manly.
Back in the days, this question would’ve probably resulted in a beating.
But in modern times, where masculinity is so far gone that men actually develop somewhat female bodies, we need to talk about this.

And I am here to change this for the better.
So let me take you on a journey on how to increase your masculine polarity.

Why is there a need to increase masculine polarity?

Imagine man and woman like a rubber band. The farther away they are from each other, the stronger the pull between them.

As a result, the stronger the tension in the middle will be once they meet (mindblowing-passionate-blistering-sex).

The closer they are together, the weaker the pull, and less tension in the middle (mediocre-10-years-married-starfish-birthday-sex).

Masculine and feminine polarity wolves ying yang
The feminine and the masculine are opposing poles.

This is the general issue in most marriages, but it’s also an issue in society.

Men have become very feminine. And women are increasingly becoming more masculine.

This is the effect of growing up in a feminized society. Men are raised by women, the standard diet is full of soy and estrogens, and women trying to out-compete men in the workplace makes them masculine.

And since women are men’s mirror, it is on us to make men great again.

If we increase the masculine polarity in most men, women will naturally become more feminine.

Everybody wins.

Increase masculine polarity #1: Sexual transmutation

Now that you are no longer deceived by society about the huge differences between (the only) two genders, it is time to increase the polarity they inherit.

For this, the powerful man understands that he needs to be able to redirect his deeper, animalistic needs.

They need to be conserved for when the two poles finally meet again.

For this, spilling your seed every other day to pixels online (or in a napkin) ruins your polarity. In other words, every time you masturbate, you ruin the polarity and thus the passion for the next time you have real sex with a woman.

I am aware that some men rationalize into existence that it makes them last longer if the last “spilling” isn’t that far in the past.

This is a fallacy and a weakness of your mind. On top of that, it isn’t true.

The reason you do it every other day is that you have no other path to direct your powerful and deep masculine energy. A man with healthy testosterone levels has huge energy deposits in his soul. They yearn to be used and brought forth into reality.

However, when there is no creative outlet for these energies and easy pleasures are available in abundance, a man will quickly shoot for those.

In other words, when you have no purpose, no why for your life, then you will find other outlets for your energy in masturbation.

Not only is this the mark of a truly weak man, masturbation is also detrimental to your health, soul, confidence, success, and freedom of mind.

In our society, greatness is scarce because sex is abundant.

Many men are slaves to their deeper urges, sitting in their dark corners at home, doing the divine sexual act with non-existent females on a screen.

If you are that man, I know what you’re thinking, “I have a high sex-drive. I need it every day.”

You are again fooled by your own mind. Since you started doing it every day, it quickly became a habit. There is no inherent drive that you have to do it every day. And even if it were the case, there are men who have real sex every day. This then should be your goal. You are choosing the path of the coward by playing with yourself.

Why is sexual transmutation important?

Ask yourself: Is sex really the most important thing in your life?

Do you think highly successful men masturbate? Do you think they care about sex all the time? A great man has other goals than the fleeting pleasure of sex. And an ever greater man just has sex without thinking about it too much.

You know very well how many times your sexual urge hindered you in achieving.

When you were planning to do a task, but “something” popped up and you spent an hour watching porn instead of achieving something long-term.

So is this really a question you have?

Or are you trying to rationalize a reasoning into existence because you don’t want to face your demons?

How to redirect your sexual urge?

Using willpower is a losing bet in this case. You don’t want to rely on willpower forever.

It’s easier to form a habit.

So whenever you feel your sexual urge pop up (especially as a porn watcher), you need to force yourself (willpower) to do something else until it becomes a habit.

Yes, you need willpower first, but over time, it becomes second nature. Especially, once you realize the magnificence of actual female beauty. Many a men have reported that their desires shifted from blunt “tits and ass” and depravity to beauty and femininity. You will start to enjoy the act itself and all the sensations with it, instead of just aiming for release.

This – again – is a detrimental habit you have formed over time.

Getting rid of that will elevate your consciousness to new highs.

You cannot directly quit habits. Even after 20 years, you still know how to ride a bike. Habits cannot be erased. But you can alter them. Replace the sexual masturbation habit with the sexual-energy-creating-habit.

The foundation of success in this realm is having a purpose. A meaning in life that keeps you motivated to work on that rather than work your member.

On top of that, it is, however, also useful to realize the trigger that starts your bad habit and replace it with something else. For example, if you feel the need, go outside for a walk. Exercise. Write on your story. Whatever it is, just don’t open your Incognito browser.

Break the existing habit of just giving in to your sexual need.

Discover the eternal power of nofap here.

Increase masculine polarity #2: Spend less time with women

An emperor on a horse with his servant
Men need to be around other men. More often than not.

It is an occurrence only in the modern world, that we constantly are around and with women.

Even in marriage, back in the day, most of your time you were spending with other men.

And this is vitally important.

Remember the rubber band from the beginning of this post? This helps increase the polarity. Simply by not seeing you all the time.

And when you are with other men, you increase your masculine energy. So when you finally meet with your woman again, her feminine energy is almost foreign, different, and new. Exciting.

The Spartans lived separated all the time. Man and woman only saw each other on “dates.” Even with kids. Imagine the feeling of your first dates to have it throughout the whole marriage. I ask you, do you think these marriages were sexless?

Man and woman are not meant to live together constantly. This is an occurence of modern times since we’re living too close together anyway.

Dive deep into your soul and ask yourself, who do you rather spend time with? Men or women? Eliminate sex out of the equation and the answer reveals itself in pure clarity.

Do you talk about cars, movies, gadgets, and politics with your woman? Is she really interested? Do you care about any of her female topics? If sex were not a thing, we would spend most of our times with our brothers. Therefore, constantly living together is against our nature.

I will repeatedly die on that hill that both partners should see each other less in a relationship.

Now, this obviously needs your woman to not meet other men as a prerequisite.

However, if your girl sees other men outside of you, you have other issues in your relationship.

Just meet more with your brothers. Once a week AT LEAST.

Revel in the masculinity. Talk, act, and feel like a man.

Increase masculine polarity #3: Manly hobbies

Soldier aiming through a sniper rifle
Man is made by what he does. What is more manly? Knitting a scarf, or fighting foes?

This sounds like cliché, but you need to engage in manly hobbies to increase your masculinity.

This doesn’t mean drinking beers and mauling cheerios while you watch other men play sports on your TV.

This means being ACTIVE. Remember that men do.

Gym, sports (playing, not watching), cars, guns, fighting, hunting, business, building, climbing, fishing, whatever.

There are a ton of hobbies which are considered manly. For good reason. These hobbies tap into your soul of creation, building, fighting, and competition. This is what makes them manly and thus is the reason why they heal your soul.

Sadly, most of them have been invaded by women as well. So you have to be careful when you pick the places to indulge in your hobbies.

If there are many women around, you need to find a better spot.

This isn’t to get women out of your life. You want to increase polarity. And for this, you need to be less around them. Especially in your hobbies.

Your hobby is a way to yourself. Being who you are.

But are you yourself when you’re knitting? As a man? No. Are you yourself at the gym when a hot girl is around in her yoga pants? Or are you trying to peacock to attract her? You might think you’re above that. If you observe regular gyms, you will notice that no man is ever above that.

Keep the peacocking for when you are actually on a hunt for a partner. For your hobbies, you need to revel in your masculinity.

Why can I not be into a female hobby?

Because you’re trying to increase your polarity, aren’t you?

If you are already a very masculine guy, you might be fine with a feminine hobby, because you have enough ways of increasing your polarity outside of that.

But you, you reading this, you’re not that guy.

Your plan is to maximize the polarity as much as possible, so drop the tarot cards, or magic cards, and go fishing with your guys.

Increase masculine polarity #4: Increase your Testosterone levels

godlike masculinity subliminal program banner

“Well, duh.” you might be thinking.

Sure, increasing your manliness hormone will increase your masculine polarity.

But there is more to it.

It’s not just that you have a higher dose of the manliness hormone then, it is also vitally important for your health, well-being, and calmness.

And the last one is a big one.


Great men are calm.

They aren’t fazed by random storms, issues, problems, or moods.

They have their emotions under control, and they don’t care if others flip their shit. They stay calm, focused, and controlled. The man in tune with himself will not have his confidence or purity shattered by outside forces. This is how men in war stay calm, despite bullets flying over his head.

This is a very important part of your masculine polarity.

The feminine is chaos. Impulsive and emotional. The masculine is order. Your calmness and composed reaction to this is vitally important for your polarity.

Quitting porn is one part of it, but a higher testosterone level will bring this “naturally.” You will just feel better, relaxed, and unfazed.

In this post I show you natural ways to increase your testosterone.

Learn how to fight

Muscular man in fighting gloves
Testosterone does more than just “make you manly.”

A man high in Testosterone will usually enjoy some violence sooner or later. It is part of man and nature.

Conflict is the fundamental state of nature. Nature is brutal and constantly fighting.
It is a grave error to be afraid of violence when it is constantly around you and the basic notion of nature.

Plus, getting punched in the face will teach you valuable life lessons and root you in reality.

One of the dark realities is that women are animalistically drawn to violent men. Not necessarily violence towards them, although any domination has a violent factor to it. It is because such a man can protect her. When you start to fight, you will develop the fighter-physique to which women are magically drawn.

Don’t take my word for granted. Try it for yourself, and you will see the animalistic side of your woman. Your confidence rise because you know you can protect yourself, and thus your polarity.

Increase masculine polarity #5: Keep developing masculine traits

Handsome bearded man smoking cigar drinking whiskey
True masculine polarity needs basic personality traits in place.

Yes, there are traits which are predominately masculine.

⚔️ Honor
⚔️ Strength
⚔️ Code
⚔️ Unapologetic
⚔️ Growth
⚔️ Leadership

If you think about it and truly observe the world, women rarely incorporate these traits, or more than one (maybe except for unapologetic, if you catch my drift)

Why is this important?

When you develop traits that are similar to the feminine, like nurturing, caring, submission, impulsion, you naturally lose polarity.

Since women rarely incorporate the traits above, it makes sense for you as a man to have them.

Some of them will come naturally once you increase testosterone and find your mission.

But it makes sense to be aware of them.

In my book The Unchained Man I explore what traits free and successful men incorporate and how to do it yourself.

What do I gain from all this?

A better relationship with your woman, better sex, better connection to friends, and generally a more relaxed mood.

However, all of this is irrelevant.

You will feel much better with yourself. In your own body.

Because you’re close to your nature.

In today’s society, we fight our nature all the time. Women don’t want to be submissive, and men don’t want to lead.

The farther you move from your nature, the more it is trying to kill you.

You ARE nature. We are born and raised in nature. It is what created us.

Moving away from it is potentially the stupidest idea we ever came up with!

Revel in your nature of being a man.

Embrace your masculinity. No, increase it. Maximize it.

You will see how this will better your life in many ways.

For more guidance, check out the Conqueror’s Forge. Learn how to become a more competent man.

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I am a Dad, sharing his experiences and solutions to Escape the 9-5 Slavery via Online Business and Subliminal Messaging.

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