3 Powerful Ways to Build Unbreakable Confidence as a Man

There is a lot of talk about confidence. How to gain it, what it really is, and quite frankly in this weak-ass society we talk about, if you even need it?

What a stupid question. There are differences between self-love, self-respect, and unbreakable confidence.

So let’s tackle that first.

At the end of this post I’ll have a goodie for you. How to build your confidence in just a few weeks without (really) doing anything. But let’s set the foundation first.

Differences in confidence

Self-love and self-respect are pretty similar. The differences are pretty nuanced and don’t really matter most of the time if you get the basic concept. That said, it still makes for a more complete person if you know the difference.

Self-love is accepting who you are now, but not accepting this as your final state. This comes down to how you talk to yourself.

Self-respect is that you have enough respect for yourself as a person that you won’t keep the bad habits.

Similar, right? Well, you can love yourself, but not respect yourself. A detrimental psychopath, for example, might love his destructive nature, but he doesn’t respect himself, because he knows it is bad for his body / social circle. That distinction is pretty minimal.

Confidence, however, is built. Some say you have a certain internal or natural confidence, but I don’t believe that. You might have an act of confidence or even a perception of your confidence, but it’s imaginary. True confidence is only built over time. Through experience and achievements.

If you are an unchained man in a society of sheep, this will push your confidence to universal heights.

Self-loveSelf-RespectUnbreakable Confidence
Accepting who you are right now. But not accepting this as your final form.You have enough respect for yourself as a person, that you actually go out and change things. I.e. bad habits.Unbreakable Confidence comes afterward. When you went out and did these things. You have something to show. On this, your confidence is built.

The 3 pillars of Unbreakable Confidence

It’s difficult to summarize a complex human pattern like confidence into small parts. I believe that it comes down to three important pillars. Bear in mind though, these are for men! A woman’s confidence is built differently!

1. How Adversity builds Unbreakable Confidence

A statue of a man with his hands tief behind his back

I’ve gone over this topic on this blog a lot. Struggle is important for a man’s life, as weird as that may sound. And it also very often gets confused with stress.

This blogs’ slogan is Hardship is the key to your soul. And I mean that literally. If you truly want to know who you are, what you are made of, who that man reading this really is, you need to have your grit tested.

Only through real struggles, you will realize what you are capable of. And on top of that, you build parts of your unbreakable confidence.

A true man is not afraid of life, for he has been tested already.

Life throws struggles at you at any given time. Any moment the dark reality of nature can reveal itself and put you into a pit of chaos. You never know. But if you’re confident in yourself, you are fine with that.

The explanation is simple, yet not easily achieved. You have already been through a lot in your life. This has built your confidence. You know you’ll be able to handle it because it isn’t the first time. It’s like sex. The first time, you’re very nervous, you don’t know what’s going down, how you will handle it. If you will be good at it.

But after the 50th time, you’ve built experience and thus unbreakable confidence in your skills to penetrate reality properly. That gives yourself a peace of mind. A certain masculine calmness which is very attractive not just to women, but people in general.

And now apply that back to any non-sexual context. If you’ve been through these things, nothing can phase you. It’s nothing new. You know it’s just life doing its thing again. You radiate that calmness because you aren’t afraid of things coming your way. You move through life at ease.

This is why old generals and war veterans are so confident and calm, radiating their unbreakable confidence. They already been through hell.

Why old men radiate Unbreakable Confidence

Handsome bearded man smoking cigar drinking whiskey radiating unbreakable confidence

Look at this magnificent gentlemen. Just seeing this guy implies a certain indestructible confidence within him.

The reason for this is that old people generally have lived through a lot. Lifes brutal and harsh tests helped them develop something you cannot buy, you cannot read, and you cannot be given: experience. They survived on this planet for a while, they have seen it all. Maybe even lived through the World Wars.

Little hiccups in everyday life are a lay-up to them. They won way heavier battles.

That is how unbreakable confidence is built. Through struggle, over time.

Your confidence is like your immune system. If it is never tested, it is weak, and you will catch any old disease. But if you’ve been skimming through mud and eating sand as a toddler, your immune system is battle-hardened.

Some lame flu won’t cause it trouble.

Build a Business to gain Unbreakable Confidence

These days, we don’t really face any struggles. Food in your fridge at all times, access to top specimen of the other gender at swipe of your thumb, money readily available at the bank.

Life is convenient. And thus we have weak men.

Men lacking confidence.

The solution is simple, but yourself in voluntary struggle. Want to be different than 99% of men? Do what the 1% does. Create!

Most men on this planet solely consume. Netflix, porn, videogames. Man wields the power of creation, yet most men do nothing but consume. That is the sad state of our society. Be different! Build a business. Engage in this heavy, mad struggle of creating something of value to people.

Trust me, running your own business is no easy play. It is hard shit. It is working all the time, it is not knowing if anyone cares. It is putting out your best articles or videos without knowing if anyone will ever see it. Putting out your soul, and being a target to haters.

Yet, this is exactly what builds unbreakable confidence. Once you do it, and you know you’re playing the 1% game. You’re doing what the majority does NOT. You are changing reality. You are creating your little dent in the universe. Once you see what you’ve created after a year of working on your business, you will be amazed by how far you’ve come. There you will feel it. At this vantage point. The unbreakable confidence.

Nobody can harm you or your feelings. Because you, and only YOU know what you did. Nobody can take that away from you.

There is a cheat code to build your business and become rich easily. Subliminal Messaging to reprogram your subconscious. This way you build your empire and your confidence effortlessly.

Can you fake Unbreakable Confidence?

You can fake your calmness and confidence, but it will show eventually. Especially if you truly have to get through struggle in the future, that’s when your true grit (or lack thereof) shows.

So the answer is now. You can fake unbreakable confidence, but it will eventually show.

That’s also why women tend to go for older men. The probability of him knowing how the world works, and having experienced it is much higher.

If life gets too easy, a man loses his grit. He must seek challenges on his own.

And in this current society, we aren’t really experienced in any way. Being level 80 in World of Warcraft doesn’t count. Real-life struggles are way different.

This is also why there are so many loser kids out there. Back in the days, you had to fight your way up in the social order. Boys are just like that. It’s part of their dark masculinity. They fight each other, they throw hands at each other. It’s what makes you realize mistakes, or that you’re stronger than you think you are, as well as the opposite. Overestimating your skills and learning it the hard way.

The didn’t need to fake anything. They knew what they’ve been through.

As a young boy, I always avoided any fight. I would run away or say whatever they wanted to hear, to not get hit. Thinking back, it would’ve been way better to come home with a bloody nose occasionally.

But mom and all the female teachers would tell you, “You’re such a good boy, you never get into fights.”

Well, wrong. This just shows I’ve never been tested.

This is precisely where a feminized society makes for weak men. Encouragement for avoiding necessary fights.

The need to get punched

Being punched in the face is thrown around on Twitter quite a lot. It’s important to grow up and I do agree. It is a physical struggle if you will. It teaches you not only, that you won’t die, and it doesn’t even hurt that much.

But also that everything has consequences, that you can’t run away from your problems and how it made you grow as a person. Hardened your shields.

If you were like me, and you’ve never been punched as a kid, do it voluntarily. Don’t start a fight at a bar. Go to a martial arts club. Learn a fighting skill. Get used to it!

And then apply this to other things more metaphorically. Go out of your comfort zone! Voluntarily get yourself into socially awkward situations.

Talk to strangers. Fight yourself for 30 days by avoiding sugar as I did here. Approach women. Ask for the pay-raise. Struggle with your social anxiety! It will harden your shields. You will get better at it, and you will build the desired, magnificent calmness through struggle once you’ve been tested enough.

This will set you free. It will make you an Unchained Man.

2. Find Unbreakable Confidence in Silence

alexander graves patriarch

Silence is quick and easy to explain. It is meant literally. Just shut the fuck up. With your wife, girlfriend, in a group of friends, co-workers. Just talk less. Why? The reason is twofold.

First, you actually listen.

Most people listen to reply, instead of listening to understand.

If you blurt out anything right away, I know you were just waiting for your turn to talk. You didn’t really listen or care what the other person said. There is a certain unhealthy egoism to this.

Not doing this might mean that you don’t get to talk at all because everyone is busy talking. Relax, let them talk. At some point, they’ll probably ask you why you are so quiet. “I listened.” And now you have the focus on you.

The biggest power a man can possess lies in total silence.

Second, it is power. When people throw words at you, and you don’t respond at all, it makes them feel uncomfortable. They don’t know what they’re up to. They desperately want to know what you’re thinking. But you shut your trap. You control the situation. You rule.

It radiates calmness, just like being through struggle. You are fine with not talking all the time. You don’t need to impress anyone with your thoughts. It means you are fine with yourself. And that is radiating unbreakable confidence.

When you are in a fight with your woman, just be quiet. And if you answer, let her words fly through the room a few seconds before you answer. It demonstrates that you are in control of the situation. You set the pace and you’re not bothered by her emotions.

On top of that, it gives you time to properly think about an answer. Don’t just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. Think about your words!

A case for introverts

Introverts get scolded a lot in this society. It is good and brave to talk all the time we’re told. I disagree.

More people should only talk if they truly thought about what they’re saying, and they’re actually qualified to talk about a topic.

Once you apply the two points from above, you might come over as an introvert. If you are already that kind of person, it’ll be easy for you. If you like to talk a lot, this will be tough. But you should ask yourself if this is really an important discussion you’re having.

You don’t need to talk about the meaning of life all the time, and shooting the breeze is fine. And especially with women, talking about philosophy won’t get you in their pants. So these aren’t 100% solutions.

Just apply them to your circumstances. Observe yourself, how you interact with people. Do you talk to much all the time? Did you have situations where you accidentally said something weak that ruined your unbreakable confidence? Being silent in that situation might have helped? Can you just shut up in the current conversation and listen to people? Maybe you will learn something.

3. A decent Character build Unbreakable Confidence

A spartan warrior on a cliff

This is probably the most difficult concept to grasp and implement, albeit being so easily explained. A man’s character is displayed in his actions.

And solely through actions. You can mouth any words you want, but what you do determines who you are. Your character sets the boundaries for your actions.

What does that mean?

A true man has his values. They are chiseled into his soul. Nobody shall move them but himself.

A man of character has values. He sets them himself. Anything you believe in forms your character and your beliefs. You see the world through your eyes, and you act upon it.

You listen to other people’s opinions and advice, but if they don’t align with your values, you discard them and do your thing. Your life revolves around your character. It determines who you are. This builds immense, unbreakable confidence.


A man who lacks character is a people-pleaser. Someone who does anything other people cast upon him. He tries to be the good guy at any given moment since he is afraid of conflict and/or displeasing others. This just means you are a pushover. And there is nothing great about that.

If you do what you want, if you see life as you want, if life unfolds how you desire it in your mind, that radiates unbreakable confidence!

Any Asshole has Unbreakable Confidence, but it’s a misconception

This often gets conflated as being an asshole. Yes, sometimes you have to be an asshole. Or to be precise, you have to be perceived as being an asshole.

Reality is, that you have a codex. Set values. Boundaries. And some people are trying to breach them. And they won’t stop. This is when you need to be an asshole to ensure those boundaries.

This is true for kids, your wife, co-workers, business partners, etc.

A man of character isn’t an asshole just cause. He listens, but ultimately he goes his own way. Other people can follow if they want, but it doesn’t bother him if they don’t. And this builds unbreakable confidence powerfully. Because it tells people that you are comfortable with yourself, and confident in your beliefs and actions. It makes you a leader other people can follow. You don’t care if they do or don’t. It is your life.

The lion does not care if his sheep follow him. They decide to do so. A great leader does not have to force a following.

How to build a powerful character

Much like confidence itself, your character needs to be built. You need to set yourself limits and boundaries. As well as you need to enforce them for others. If someone is rude towards you or dragging you down, you tell them, and if they still don’t behave you kick them out of your life.

For example, my uncle is a very negative person, who picks up a different political stance every week, whatever is currently trendy. There is no streamline to his character or even his actions. He shittalks a lot of people without knowing them. So, I kicked him out of my life. I don’t like such negative people where I can’t tell what they actually believe in. So he needed to go.

That is my character. A positive (but realistic) person trying to better men. Of course, viewpoints might change, and that is fine, but not every week. So I stuck to my boundaries there and realized he doesn’t fit in.

A wise man is well aware of people that drag him into the abyss. For he needs to cut ties with them so his soul can fly.

You might not know what you truly believe in, or where your boundaries should be. It’s fine, this takes time.

Now that you are aware of it, you will notice the breaches of your boundaries quicker and more obviously.

Enforce them or kick these people. They will respect you for that. And more often then not it makes them stick around more (very important with women).

And through these actions of enforcing your boundaries and values, you will build your character. Internally as well as externally. And this will display great confidence to anyone.

How to have Unbreakable Confidence and Success with Women

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Did you notice how I almost didn’t talk about women at all? I know you want to be more confident to attract girls, and I get it. But this is a wrong mindset. Confidence comes from within. You need to be in tune with yourself. You need the three pillars set up for yourself, ONLY then will you be truly confident. And women will come on their own.

Any relationship advice that actually works will tell you that you cannot change other people. You don’t try to change your woman. You change yourself.

If you want to have unbreakable confidence with girls, you need to be more confident with yourself in general.

The rest will fall into place on its own.

If you try to change your behavior and yourself to attract women you already failed. Do these things for yourself, because you want to be a better man, and not because women want you to.

How to Build Unbreakable Confidence Superfast

As you can tell by this post, most of these things take a while to unfold. Luckily for you, there is a cheat code to life.

I mean that literally.

Subliminal Messaging (<- click here for more info) is the absolute cheat code to maximize your own life QUICK. I have been running these for months, and it reshaped my life completely. You get results as quickly as one week or month!

If you want to build your unbreakable confidence, become an alpha male, and be unphased by anything, check out ASCENSION.

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The ABSOLUTE cheatcode to unbreakable confidence in weeks!

Yes, you only need to listen to this MP3 file for a few days and it reshapes your subconscious to believe you are the absolute Alpha Male. Learn more about how it works here.

–Alexander Graves

Still struggling with one of the pillars? Having plans to implement it? Let me know in the comments!

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Who Is Alexander?

I am a Dad, sharing his experiences and solutions to Escape the 9-5 Slavery via Online Business and Subliminal Messaging.

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